
Ready for testing? Regardless of what you are about to test, make sure you have done all steps in the Development & test


URL to our API in test is https://api-test.gjeldsregisteret.com/mottak/debt-information/v1/

How to test PUSH?

  1. Test 2 way TLS by doing a request to our API with a ping:
    • If any problems, make sure you have checked the security documentation. See: security
  2. Ping API:
    • Request:
       GET https://api-test.gjeldsregisteret.com/mottak/debt-information/v1/ping/hello
    • Response:
        message: hello
        reverse: olleh
  3. Push your data. Make sure you send synthetic/mock data. See: Onboarding document - push API
    • Request:
       POST https://api-test.gjeldsregisteret.com/mottak/debt-information/v1/loans
    • Request body:
      "providerID": "string",
      "customers": [
          "customerID": "string",
          "financialInstitutionID": "string",
          "loans": [
              "type": "string",
              "timestamp": "string",
              "accountID": "string",
              "accountName": "string",
              "originalBalance": "string",
              "interestBearingBalance": "string",
              "nonInterestBearingBalance": "string",
              "creditLimit": "string",
              "balance": "string",
              "terms": "string",
              "nominalInterestRate": "string",
              "installmentCharges": "string",
              "installmentChargePeriod": "string",
              "coBorrower": "string"
  4. Verify
    • Verify your data is received. In order to do this you need access to DIC backend system. Contact Gjeldsregisteret AS about this.


When you are finished developing the pull REST API as described in Onboarding document - pull API, DIC it needs to be tested in accordance with DIC.

We, DIC, need to check that we can reach your REST API endpoint given in your contact with Gjeldsregisteret AS

How to test PULL?

  1. Ping / get a response from your service
  2. Call any of your endpoints as defined in Onboarding document - pull API and get a response with data